Sunday, June 15, 2008

100 for 100: Days 20 and 21


It's that womanly time of the month. I feel fat, bloated, and self-loathing. I am not stepping on that scale until this madness is over. Yesterday, I did a water fast and it was all right. I got a little hyper anxious at the end of it.

Today, I pwned the day despite my cramps. And they hurt. I just ate cherries all day because that's all I wanted to eat, lol. I have no clue how much I ate, but I'll do a better job of keeping track tomorrow.



badash said...

You feel bloated even with raw foods?

I found that the raw food diet made bloating and cramps go away....!?

i guess its different for everyone.

good luck, stick with it!

So on the water fast you didnt eat anything except drink water?

badash said...

Hey its been a few days, WHATS UP

keep posting!!