Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shhh. Listen.

I learned my most valuable lesson today: listen.

Overall, it was a bit of a crazed day. My precious neighbor, Hunter, was very sick and needed to be brought to the emergency. While I worked my little internet-based customer service job, I took care of his two little brothers, my daughter, and a neighborhood friend. It definitely tested my patience. I got a B.

I drank a romaine-cucumber-honeydew melon juice. It was super delicious, and FILLING. It's so odd, but drinking these juices make me feel so satisfied.

Generally, I like to drink my last juice around 4 in the evening so I empty my system of the fluids and get a solid night's rest. I just didn't feel like drinking it, though. I was still satisfied from my previous juice. Unfortunately, I didn't listen. I forced it.

I made a spinach-cucumber-apple juice. It was good and yummy, but I could feel that it just wasn't right. Soon enough, I felt nauseous. My husband came home shortly after, and he watched the kids so I could excuse myself for an enema.

(I swear enemas are the gift of God. More on this later.)

After I finished my enema, I instantly felt refreshed and centered. I'm still not sure why I forced that second juice. I am in the process of fasting; I should always listen to my body's guidance.

Lesson learned.

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