Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pimpin' Lavender

So, last night, Jeremy made me a piping hot cup of peppermint tea. While this was very kind of him, somehow I didn't quite hold the tea right as he gave it to me and..splash.

Ouch! It hurt like nothing I've ever experienced. (Obviously, I've not had my own children!) In the midst of my crying, I managed to tell my husband to get my lavender. Since then, I have applied the oil liberally every twenty minutes or so.

I wish, wish, wish I had taken pictures of my stomach and legs before and at 3-4 hour intervals. Last night, my skin was so red and angry as the blisters formed. Today, about 15 hours later, my skin is calm and the blisters are growing smaller. They do not even hurt. It is AMAZING.

I heart lavender.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture and I just love your blog. I am going to put you in my favorite blogs on www.becomingrawvegan.blogspot.com

Linda Salas said...

Aww be careful!
Thans for stopping by! I must say this you don´t have to approach a uicefeast as a 92 day thing, it makes it sound too hard... do it for as long as you choose :)

badash said...

school is long... and boring...

but i'm pulling through!

ouuuuuuuuuuch i hate spilling tea.

sept. 2 is my 100th day of being raw! woohoo!